Conviction of a crime involving heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD, and PCP may result in substantial time in state prison plus fines. Penalties for crimes involving marijuana are not as severe, yet depend on the volume of the contraband apprehended.
A knowledgeable and aggressive criminal defense attorney can help if you have been charged with a narcotics offense. An experienced attorney may easily reduce the penalties or have the entire case dismissed by suppressing all the seized evidence.
You may not know that for first narcotics possession offenses you could be eligible for drug rehab, diversion program, or California Proposition 36 programs. Your attorney can explain to you how the case against you may be dismissed if you complete a drug program successfully.
If you have been charged with a narcotics offense, you need an experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorney. Call the Law Offices of Tony M. Seyfi for a free consultation. We have successfully defended many cases involving drug offenses. We can help you avoid time in jail.
Criminal prosecution can affect your health, freedom, employment, and social life. You need help and you need the best criminal defense you can get. At the Law Offices of Tony M. Seyfi, with the state of the art computerized legal research tools and forensic techniques, we will focus on identifying the defenses you may have and will develop numerous challenges to any crime possible.
Our goal is a victory for our clients and to keep them from going to jail, and we are confident of our defense strategies. If you would like to discuss your case, call us today for a FREE CONSULTATION and case analysis.