Federal Fraud and Theft Crimes

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What are some crimes involving fraud?


Fraud is a broad category of crimes that involve deceiving others for personal gain. Here are some examples of crimes involving fraud:

  1. Identity theft: using another person’s personal information to open bank accounts, apply for loans, or make purchases
  2. Bank fraud: using false information or deception to obtain funds from a financial institution
  3. Investment fraud: using false information or deception to sell securities or other investments
  4. Credit card fraud: using a stolen or counterfeit credit card to make unauthorized purchases
  5. Health care fraud: submitting false claims to Medicare or Medicaid for payment
  6. Insurance fraud: making false claims to an insurance company for payment
  7. Tax fraud: failing to report all income to the government or claiming false deductions
  8. Ponzi schemes: using funds from new investors to pay returns to existing investors, creating the illusion of a profitable investment
  9. Internet fraud: using the internet to deceive others for financial gain, such as through phishing scams or online auction fraud
  10. Telemarketing fraud: using telemarketing to defraud individuals, such as by selling false or worthless products or services

It’s important to note that the specific circumstances of each case can affect the classification and severity of the crime, and individuals charged with fraud-related crimes should consult with a criminal defense attorney to understand their rights and options.

If you have been charged with fraud in federal court, you may want to hire an attorney immediately. The penalties for fraud are far more severe in federal courts than state courts. Fraud refers to the false representation of a matter of fact. This could occur in writing, by words, by conduct, or by making certain false allegations. Sometimes fraud is alleged because the defendant failed to disclose or concealed certain material facts.

In federal courts, most fraud crimes are prosecuted based on United States Code. Fraud could occur in many categories or take different forms such as mortgage fraud, bankruptcy fraud, credit card fraud, mail fraud, tax fraud, and securities fraud.

If fraud appears to involve sophisticated planning on a larger scale, the matter will most likely be filed in federal court. Ponzi Schemes and Pyramid Fraud cases for instance are filed in federal court. Other crimes could be field in state court or federal court depending on the size of the operation or loss to the government. These may include Money laundering, Medicare Fraud, Healthcare Fraud, and Mortgage Fraud.


Mail fraud is usually prosecuted by the government if the activity involved a large scheme to abuse the U.S. Postal Service in order to defraud the victims. The FBI and the U.S. Postal Service Inspectors both have jurisdiction to investigate mail fraud cases and refer them to the United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution. Mail Fraud could also be charged on the basis of credit card fraud which involved the use of the SUPS or even FedEx, DHL, or UPS.

If mail fraud is found to be substantiated, the accused may be charged with other crimes such as money laundering and conspiracy. RICO violation could also be charged for repeated abuse of the USPS and in cases of abuse of the elderly combined with mail fraud, a violation of the SCAMS Act could be charged.

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